- probe effectThe effect on the component or system by the measurement instrument when the component or system is being measured, e.g. by a performance testing tool or monitor. For example performance may be slightly worse when performance testing tools are being used.
- ProblemSiehe Fehlerzustand.
- problemSee defect.
- problem managementSee defect management.
- problem reportSee defect report.
- ProblemmanagementSiehe Fehlermanagement.
- ProblemmeldungSiehe Fehler- und Abweichungsbericht.
- procedure testingTesting aimed at ensuring that the component or system can operate in conjunction with new or existing users’ business procedures or operational procedures.
- processA set of interrelated activities, which transform inputs into outputs [ISO 12207].
- process assessmentA disciplined evaluation of an organization’s software processes against a reference model. [after ISO 15504]
- process-compliant test strategyA test strategy whereby the test team follows a set of predefined processes, whereby the processes address such items as documentation, the proper identification and use of the test basis and test oracle(s), and the organization of the test team.
- process-compliant testingTesting that follows a set of defined processes, e.g., defined by an external party such as a standards committee. See also standard-compliant testing.
- process cycle testA black-box test design technique in which test cases are designed to execute business procedures and processes [TMap]. See also procedure testing.
- process-driven scriptingA scripting technique where scripts are structured into scenarios which represent use cases of the software under test. The scripts can be parameterized with test data.
- process improvementA program of activities designed to improve the performance and maturity of the organization’s processes, and the result of such a program [CMMI].
- process modelA framework wherein processes of the same nature are classified into a overall model, e.g. a test improvement model.
- process reference modelA process model providing a generic body of best practices and how to improve in a prescribed step-by-step manner.
- product-based qualityA view of quality, wherein quality is based on a well-defined set of quality attributes. These attributes must be measured in an objective and quantitative way. Differences in the quality of products of the same type can be traced back to the way the specific quality attributes have been(...)
- product riskA risk directly related to the test object. See also risk.
- Product RISk MAnagementSiehe PRISMA.
- production acceptance testingSee operational acceptance testing.
- produktbasierte QualitätEine Qualitätsdarstellung, bei der Quality auf einem definierten Satz von Qualitätsmerkmalen basiert. Die Qualitätsmerkmale müssen objektiv und quantitativ gemessen werden. Qualitätsunterschiede bei Produkten der selben Art erlauben Rückschlüsse auf die Art der Implementierung der(...)
- ProduktionsabnahmetestSiehe betrieblicher Abnahmetest.
- ProduktivumgebungBeim Benutzer oder Betreiber eingesetzte Hard- und Softwareprodukte, auf denen die zu testende Komponente oder das System betrieben wird. Die software kann Betriebssysteme, Datenbankmanagementsysteme und andere Applikationen enthalten.
- ProduktrisikoEin Risiko, das direkt auf ein Test object bezogen ist. Siehe auch Risiko.
- program instrumenterSee instrumenter.
- program testingSee component testing.
- Programmieren in PaarenEin Ansatz zur Softwareentwicklung, bei dem die Codezeilen einer Komponente durch zwei Programmierer gemeinsam an einem Computer entwickelt und/oder getestet werden. Implizit bedeutet das, dass ein Codereview in Echtzeit durchgeführt wird.
- ProgramminstrumentiererSiehe Instrumentierer.
- ProgrammtestSiehe Komponententest.