Our services

We come to you personally & bring individual benefits that stay!

We enable reliable target achievement via risk identification & smart testing, using existing resources and contributing our expertise to create lasting benefits for you.

We understand your individual goal: Interdisciplinary!

We support you both technically and communicatively and connect your possible islands in order to advance the process and the achievement of objectives. We act autonomously, transparently and in a coordinated manner, and show you how individual tests can help you achieve your goals.

We enable you to achieve your goals without delaying your processes!

We also support you in acute situations, as a fire department if necessary, and ensure that your processes can continue without delay.


You would like to ...

  • Answering multidisciplinary test questions?
  • Achieve error prevention at an early stage?
  • Analysing diffuse error patterns?
  • Making optimal use of existing test equipment?
  • Making distributed expert knowledge testing usable?
  • Test automation expand?
  • Reduce test times and test costs?
  • Quality optimize and minimize risks?

We have solutions for your needs!


Technical Coaching and SWOT*

Making experience usable

Fokusbereiche des technischen Coaching und der SWOT*.

  • Definition of test questions and strategic objectives
  • Status of the existing infrastructure - test objects, systems and domains
  • Expert interviews for the analysis of anomalies and error patterns
  • Identification of sources of error - results, test systems and tests
  • Identification of optimization potential for project and test manager
  • Development of options for test engineers and designers.
*) Strengths (Stärken), Weaknesses (Schwächen),
Opportunities and Threats

More options for action for you and your test experts

With every Test infrastructure experts, different test systems, test methods and test strategies must be taken into account. Above all, however, individual test questions need to be answered and specific test objectives need to be achieved.

Our extensive knowledge supports test managers and test experts in obtaining answers to their test questions and jointly developing options for immediately usable technical and communication solutions.


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Viconnis SWOT

Short info on technical coaching / SWOT

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