TestC – Test contents


TestC© for transferable test content

TestC© für übertragbare Testinhalte

Individual benefit

  • Consideration of common test views from the IC to the system System
  • Making isolated test knowledge and equipment usable and testable
  • Development of individual test solutions
  • Safeguarding test communication over the entire life cycle
  • Acceleration of development and quality improvement
  • Reduction of test times, test costs and test risks

Innovative test software for complex electrical processes

The TestCIDE* facilitates the development process by supporting the creation of test content for both simulated and real test objects. With TestC©, users can model and generate test content. The created test models are reusable and can be adapted to similar test objects and created for different test systems.

TestC© makes existing test knowledge generally accessible and enables rule-based tests. The resulting test content can be used and transferred at an early stage both in simulation environments and on relevant test systems in parallel.



* Integrated development environment



Definition and testing of

Pass/fail hypotheses

Definition von Pass- und Fail Hypothesen

Core functions of TestC©

  • Definition of requirements from specification, Test and test systems
  • Protocol-based, uniquely described and transferable test content
  • Modeling the behavior of real testers tester
  • Generation of test outputs for ATE, laboratory, production test systems
  • Test modelling via Coside* for testing in the simulation environment
  • Verification of pass/fail hypotheses
  • Comparison test in relevant test domains e.g.: simulation, ATE, laboratory tester

* IEEE1666.1 SystemC.ams compliant

TestC - Register

TestC - TestSequence

TestC - TestSetup

TestC - Pattern

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