- ObjektübergabeberichtSiehe Release Note.
- off-the-shelf softwareSee commercial off-the-shelf.
- offline MBTAnsatz zum modellbasierten Testen, bei dem Testfälle für eine zukünftige Ausführung in ein Repository generiert werden.
- online MBTAnsatz zum modellbasierten Testen, bei dem Testfälle gleichzeitig generiert und ausgeführt werden.
- open source toolA software tool that is available to all potential users in source code form, usually via the internet; its users are permitted to study, change, improve and, at times, to distribute the software.
- Open-Source-WerkzeugEin Software-Werkzeug, das allen potentiellen Nutzern als Quell-Code, üblicherweise über das Internet, zur Verfügung steht. Den Nutzern ist es erlaubt, die Software zu studieren, zu verändern, zu verbessern und manchmal auch weiter zu verkaufen.
- OperabilitätDie Fähigkeit eines Softwareprodukts, das es dem Benutzer ermöglicht mit dem Produkt zu arbeiten. [ISO 9126] Siehe auch Gebrauchstauglichkeit.
- operabilityThe capability of the software product to enable the user to operate and control it [ISO 9126]. See also usability.
- operational acceptance testingOperational testing in the acceptance test phase, typically performed in a (simulated) operational environment by operations and/or systems administration staff focusing on operational aspects, e.g. recoverability, resource-behavior, installability and technical compliance. See also(...)
- operational environmentHardware and software products installed at users’ or customers’ sites where the component or system under test will be used. The software may include operating systems, database management systems, and other applications.
- operational profileThe representation of a distinct set of tasks performed by the component or system, possibly based on user behavior when interacting with the component or system, and their probabilities of occurrence. A task is logical rather that physical and can be executed over several machines or be(...)
- operational profile testingStatistical testing using a model of system operations (short duration tasks) and their probability of typical use [Musa].
- operational profilingThe process of developing and implementing an operational profile. See also operational profile.
- operational testingTesting conducted to evaluate a component or system in its operational environment [IEEE 610].
- oracleSee test oracle.
- OrakelSiehe Testorakel.
- orthogonal arrayA 2-dimensional array selected with special mathematical properties, such that choosing any two columns in the array provides every pair combination of each number in the array.
- orthogonal array testingA systematic way of testing all-pair combinations of variables using orthogonal arrays. It significantly reduces the number of all combinations of variables to test all pair combinations. See also n-wise testing, pairwise testing.
- orthogonale ArraysEin zweidimensionales Array mit speziellen mathematischen Eigenschaften, bei dem jede Kombination von zwei Spalten alle Kombinationen der Werte enthält.
- outcomeSee result.
- outputA variable (whether stored within a component or outside it) that is written by a component.
- output domainThe set from which valid output values can be selected. See also domain.
- output valueAn instance of an output. See also output.
- outsourced testingTesting performed by people who are not co-located with the project team and are not fellow employees.
- Outsourcing des TestensTesten durch Personen, die nicht an einem gemeinsamen Ort mit dem Projektteam arbeiten und nicht Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen des Projektteams sind.