- code coverageAn analysis method that determines which parts of the software have been executed (covered) by the test suite and which parts have not been executed, e.g. statement coverage, decision coverage or condition coverage.
- codebasierter TestSiehe White-Box-Testentwurfsverfahren.
- codependent behaviorExcessive emotional or psychological dependence on another person, specifically in trying to change that person’s current (undesirable) behavior while supporting them in continuing that behavior. For example, in software testing, complaining about late delivery to test and yet enjoying the(...)
- CodeüberdeckungEine Analysemethode, die bestimmt, welche Teile einer Software durch eine Testsuite ausgeführt wurden und welche Teile nicht ausgeführt wurden, z.B. Anweisungs-, Entscheidungs– und Bedingungsüberdeckung.
- combinatorial testingA means to identify a suitable subset of test combinations to achieve a predetermined level of coverage when testing an object with multiple parameters and where those parameters themselves each have several values, which gives rise to more combinations than are feasible to test in the time(...)
- commercial off-the-shelfA software product that is developed for the general market, i.e. for a large number of customers, and that is delivered to many customers in identical format.
- comparatorSee test comparator.
- compatibility testingSee interoperability testing.
- CompilerEin Softwarewerkzeug, welches ein Programm, geschrieben in einer höheren Programmiersprache, in eine Maschinensprache transformiert. [IEEE 610]
- compilerA software tool that translates programs expressed in a high order language into their machine language equivalents [IEEE 610].
- complete testingSee exhaustive testing.
- completion criteriaSee exit criteria.
- complexityThe degree to which a component or system has a design and/or internal structure that is difficult to understand, maintain and verify. See also cyclomatic complexity.
- complianceThe capability of the software product to adhere to standards, conventions or regulations in laws and similar prescriptions [ISO 9126].
- compliance testingThe process of testing to determine the compliance of the component or system.
- componentA minimal software item that can be tested in isolation.
- component integration testingTesting performed to expose defects in the interfaces and in the interaction between integrated components.
- component specificationA description of a component´s function in terms of its output values for specified input values under specified conditions, and required non-functional attributes (e.g. resource-utilization).
- component testingThe testing of individual software components [after IEEE 610].
- compound conditionTwo or more single condition joined by means of a logical operator (AND, OR or XOR), e.g. ‘A>B AND C>1000’.
- computer forensicsThe practice of determining how a security attack has succeeded and assessing the damage caused.
- Computer-ForensikDas Vorgehen zur Feststellung, wie ein Sicherheitsangriff gelingen konnte, und die Bewertung des verursachten Schadens.
- concrete test caseSee low-level test case.
- concurrency testingTesting to determine how the occurrence of two or more activities within the same interval of time, achieved either by interleaving the activities or by simultaneous execution, is handled by the component or system. [After IEEE 610]
- conditionAn logical expression that can be evaluated as True or False, e.g. A>B. See also test condition.
- condition combination coverageSee multiple condition coverage.
- condition combination testingSee multiple condition testing.
- condition coverageThe percentage of condition outcomes that have been exercised by a test suite. 100% condition coverage requires each single condition in every decision statement to be tested as True and False.
- condition determination coverageSee modified condition decision coverage.
- condition determination testingSee modified condition decision testing.